Day 3 of VINSET 2.0 – Notes, quizzes, and answers – September 1 2021

The Department of Education (DepEd) is conducting its second Virtual In-Service Training (VINSET) this week, from August 30 to September 3, 2021. To compel teachers to watch all the sessions religiously, there are “quizzes” for each one that they must answer to be able to get a certificate as the five-day program ends.
The Filipino Scribe is providing below the answers for all quizzes given during September 1, 2021, the third day of VINSET 2.0. This is for the benefit of teachers who are having difficulties accessing DepEd’s website. Of the five scheduled talks for this day, four have exit quizzes.
Exit Quiz #1: Interactive PowerPoint Plugins & Microsoft Windows Plugin for 21st Century Teachers
1) CTRL+2 toggle keys for Draw in ZoomIt.
2) ZoomIt runs in a system tray and activate using hot keys.
3) 25 – How many students can the Inknoe’s Classpoint Free account can accomodate in one class?
4) Multiple choice – Which among the following type of questions can we use the competition mode in Inknoe’s Classpoint?
5) Quiz Maker – Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
Exit Quiz #2: Microsoft Office 365 for Productivity – Mail Merge
1) The following document types can be a mail merge out except for? Picture
2) What DepEd Order number covers the “The Department of Education Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual?”
DO 31, series of 2019
3) TAGS – Which Mail Merge element is also called “merge field?” It tells the Word where in the document to include information from the data source.
4) DATA SOURCE – Which Mail Merge element is similar to a list, a spreadsheet, or database that is associated with the document?
5) MAIL MERGE – Which MS Office capability lets you create a batch of documents that are personalized for each recipient?
Professional Development Program with Microsoft Education (no quiz to be answered)

Exit Quiz #3: Game-Based Learning Using Minecraft Education Edition
1) Building Empathy
2) Using Games for Learning
3) Right click
4) Jumping
Exit Quiz #4: Mobile Apps Development for Teachers
1) Pallette
2) Layout
3) Trash/Garbage Bin
4) Emulator
5) Button