Inquirer falls for fake Aquino Time magazine cover
The editors of Philippine Daily Inquirer were apparently duped into using a satirized version of a Time magazine cover in its front page today. The broadsheet used a satirical photo originally posted in the Facebook group “Showbiz Government” for its front page story about the inclusion of President Benigno Aquino III in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential persons in the world list. See it here:

This year, Time Magazine released seven cover versions for this special issue. Although included in this year’s Time 100, the United States-based magazine did not use Aquino as a cover image. Instead, one of those featured is 23-year old Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence (see below). She last year gained critical acclaim for her leading role in the movie Hunger Games. Note that President Aquino’s name can be seen on the lower right side of this particular cover.

Some quick thoughts:
The photo from the Showbiz Government FB page actually contains clues that it’s just a parody. First, The Time Magazine logo is printed in white, not yellow (yellow, as we know, is a color forever associated with the Aquinos). Then, the image of Aquino used is a ridiculous one (although Newsweek did do that to then-Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann back in 2011). And lastly, why exactly will Time magazine use Aquino’s image in the cover for this issue? Is he more influential than say, Barack Obama?
This episode will surely be discussed in journalism and mass communication classes in the months and years ahead. What happened to the good editors there at Inquirer? Can’t they pay a quick visit to just to verify this cover?
INQUIRER REACTS VIA TWITTER: “Kudos to eagle-eyed tweeps who called our attention to the fake Time Mag cover. It was an oversight on our part. Thanks for the feedback!” (See their original tweet here.)
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Not surprising Inquirer used fake Time cover of impresario Noynoy, PDI has been heaping Praise Releases of fake achievements all along, especially his so-called Davos coming out party
freedom of press nga . . . wala ng edit-edit . . . mas madalas ngang mapansin na maraming mali sa mga ibinabalita sa karamihan ng mga peryodiko ngayon . . . that may be the so-called freedom of press. . . .
Inquirer editor should resign. There is simply no excuse for it! What will young journalists and students of journalism think of journalism in the country if such incompetence is passed off as mere mistake?
Hahaha cant get over laughing at Aquino’s nga nga meme….
PDl has become the defacto PR machine of the government.
How can PDI be so negligent about checking their sources? How negligent!
The desk editor should be fired, not the poor, incompetent underlings.
How can they be so dumb……….. too many times???