2015 Graduation Theme: “Saktong Buhay: Sa Dekalidad na Edukasyon Pinanday”

With the school year now on its final month, the Department of Education (DepEd) has released the official theme to be used in 2015 nursery, kindergarten, elementary, and high school graduation ceremonies nationwide. It is “Saktong Buhay: Sa Dekalidad na Edukasyon Pinanday.”
In a department order dated February 26, Education Secretary Armin Luistro explained that the theme “highlights the importance of quality education in forging a decent future for Filipino youth.”
He added that it encapsulates DepEd’s commitment in honing 21st century skills among Filipino graduates to help them achieve their life goals and dreams not only for themselves and their respective families but also for the needy.

The department order mandates that graduation rites should be held on March 26 and 27, except in school division and regions where the school calendar has been revised due to numerous class suspensions.
Luistro stressed that graduation ceremonies must be observed with austerity and simplicity in mind. “These should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire, or extraordinary venue,” he said.
He also warned school administrators that against using non-academic projects like attendance to field trips, film showing, participation in the Junior/Senior (JS) Promenade, and similar school events as requirements for graduation.

The secretary also appealed to public figures not to use the graduation rites as a political forum. “(The ceremonies) should be conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the graduating pupils and students and their parents,” he explained.
Luistro also made the following orders:
a. Expenses relative to the Graduation Rites should be charged to the school Maintenance and
Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) under the 2015 Budget;
b. Any DepEd personnel should not be allowed to collect any graduation fees or any kind of
c. Parent-Teachers Associations (PTAs) may give donations in cash or in kind; and
d. Contribution for the annual yearbook, if any, should be on a voluntary basis.
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