Teddy Locsin gets flak for saying Filipino must not be used during debates

Outspoken veteran broadcaster and commentator Teddy Locsin Jr. received flak Sunday night after making a series of Twitter posts claiming that Tagalog (or more accurately, Filipino) should not be used during debates.
“(Using) Tagalog should be discouraged. So long, so bullshitty, so useless a tongue for debate,” Locsin wrote. In succeeding posts, he described English as a ‘civilized language’ and the ‘language of men.’ He argued: “Tagalog sounds manly only when clipped and short like English.”
Of course, Locsin’s affection for English is understandable knowing his background as a newspaper columnist and speechwriter for the late former President Corazon Aquino. Nevertheless, many Twitter users expressed objections to what they described as Locsin’s elitist attitude and sexism.
.@teddyboylocsin I strongly disagree, Sir. Using Tagalog should be encouraged in the debates because it is more understandable to the public
— Mark Pere Madrona (@FilipinoScribe) March 20, 2016

As of 1AM of March 21, “Teddy Locsin” is one of the top trending topics on Twitter. Here are some of the popular responses to Locson’s tirades:
@MandeeFernandez – Language should not be blamed for the shitty statements they (the candidates) give.
@JamAncheta – Jesus Christ. Are you even a Filipino?
@DotJarantilla – It’s people like you that make our country worse than it already is. (English na yan ha, para maintindihan mo).
@FilipinoScribe – I strongly disagree, Sir. Using Tagalog should be encouraged in the debates because it is more understandable to the public.
Locsin is a regular commentator for ABS-CBN News Channel’s The World Tonight. He served as Makati City congressman from 2001 to 2010.
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