THANK YOU VERY MUCH! | Celebrating five years of The Filipino Scribe!

I am marking two life milestones March 31 of every year. On this day exactly ten years ago, I graduated from Ramon Magsaysay High School in Manila.
Apart from being able to finish my secondary education (sadly, millions of Filipinos are not able to do so), I was also recognized for being the Best in United Nations and Best in Current Events under the Social Studies Department. It was no doubt a proud night for me and my Mom, but there’s a bigger thing in the horizon – my upcoming enrollment to the University of the Philippines-Diliman. During the two-month summer break that year, I can’t help but feel standing way taller whenever my Mom proudly shares to her friends and our neighbors that I made it to UPD.
Also today, The Filipino Scribe marks its fifth anniversary. I have always been very vocal to everyone about how proud I am of this baby. With over six million page views now and counting and with all the awards and recognitions it has earned since 2011, there’s absolutely no reason for me not to be proud of my baby. And on the other hand, there’s also no reason for me to rest on my laurels. I know that if I give it more time and have more resources, TFS will be bigger and better in the coming years.

Needless to say, I have been very blessed the past ten years. If someone told me in February 2006 that within the next ten years, I will make to UP, graduate there with honors, enroll in MA History, start my own website and win national writing competitions along the way, and be able to teach thousands of college students, I would have laughed hard. But with God’s grace, I did it all.
Now, nothing of those I mentioned would have happened without people. First of all, there’s my Mom who’ve always loved and supported me. More importantly, she made it clear from the start that I have the free hand in choosing whatever career option I want to pursue. I also want to thank all my past teachers (there’s just too many of them!) who’ve cultivated in me the passion for news and history as well as reading, writing, and critical thinking.
Lastly, I want to thank all the readers who’ve backed TFS from the start. You all are the reason why I never lose the motivation to continue working on my website. At this point, let me say my apologies for being neglectful of TFS for much of February because of difficult circumstances that I had to deal with. Rest assured that once I am done with my final duties for my students this semester, then I will be writing articles far more often.