#WalangPasok – December 11 2017 declared a holiday in Pampanga

The province of Pampanga will be celebrating its 446th foundation anniversary this December 11.
Also known as Aldo Ning Kapampangan or Pampanga Day, the day is a special non-working holiday in the said province as stipulated in President Ferdinand Marcos’ Proclamation 2226. Marcos signed the proclamation in July 1982.
The full text of Proclamation 2226 can be found in this link. Since the holiday this year falls on a Monday, it will effectively give Kapampangans a three-day weekend.

In his proclamation, Marcos explained that the holiday declaration aims to “preserve, maintain, and hand down to prosperity the beauty and richness of Pampango culture, the heritage, as well as its arts and literature, and to honor with a fitting ceremony the illustrious Kapampangans who have distinguished themselves in different areas of endeavor.”
Marcos further emphasized that the proclamation will be in effect not only in the year 1982 but for succeeding years as well. It is worth pointing out that none of the former president’s successors appears to have made any attempt to revoke or rescind this proclamation.
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