US-PHL Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement – full text

The Office of the President released today the full text of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, a new defense pact between the Philippines and the United States. It was signed just before the overnight state visit of President Barack Obama from April 28 to 29.
Speaking during the joint press conference with his Philippine counterpart, Obama insisted that the United States “is not trying to reclaim old bases or build new bases.”
The 52-year-old American leader added: We’ll train and exercise more together so that we’re prepared for a range of challenges, including humanitarian crises and natural disasters like Yolanda.”
“We’ll work together to build the Philippines’ defense capabilities and to work with other nations to promote regional stability, such as in the South China Sea,” he also said.

The full transcript of Aquino and Obama’s remarks during their joint press briefing can be read at the White House website.
Meanwhile, you can download in this link the eight-page Philippines-United States Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (click the highlighted text).
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